We got the flight plans for Monday! We leave the CCM at 2:00 AM on Monday morning, our flight leaves at 6:00 AM Mx City time, and arrive at 6:00 AM Obregón time, with the 2 hour time difference. I have heard that we are not going to be allowed to call from the airport, unfortunately, but I will wait to hear the final word on that. If not, I think I´ll be able to email that day so feel free to shoot me some emails that day and we´ll see what I´m allowed to do, but yeah.
Today has been pretty crazy because we have to pack all our bags and and weigh them before the flight. I´m getting my suit dry cleaned and all the last minute preparations for el campo. So we have been packed with laundry, packing and other things. Tomorrow we have all our field orientation, so that should be clutch cause it is just a nice switch up from the normal grind here. I continue to hear lots and lots of good things from people who have served in Hermosillo and Culican (The missions that made up my mission before) I am very excited, but a little nervous as well. All normal feelings. I feel like my Spanish has improved a ton over the last week or two and that is a really comforting feeling, no doubt there is still a very long ways to go though.
As I leave the CCM, I have reflected a lot about how I have had so many great times here. My companion is awesome, my district and friends here are great, the food, the presidency, the facilities, the teachers, the learning, it is all so great here and I can´t tell you how much fun and how positive of an experience these 6 weeks have been. So I made it through the MTC, and I am praying every day that I will have the strength to make it through the field now because this is where the real work goes on. I know the Lord qualifies his workers and I know that we will see that work firsthand. I am excited and humbled to be part of the work, along with other friends I have that are going all out around the world. Alma 26:12 is a scripture that really stuck out to me this week. [Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.] We are nothing without the Lord and he blesses us with everything. I love you all and I bear testimony that the Lord is furthering the work and gathering Israel. He lives and loves us. Love you all.
Les vaya bien
Elder Stockard
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